Friday 14 July 2006

Missed Update? Death

Yeah, I missed my daily update yesterday. You know, I was just too
busy doing stuff to update, and I only got a chance to reply to my
emails. It was very sad. And worse, this will only be a short update,
as Kiana and I have to go very soon. So I'm sorry to everyone for

Anyway, I watched two very long films yesterday. And a pretty long one
the day before. i started with the two hour long Syriana, which was
very modern and very relevant to modern politics, so much so that
certain parts didn't make as much sense as I was hoping. I did enjoy
it, but don't prepare yourself for an easy ride. After that,
yesterday, was two and a half hour Munich. This was much more old
fashioned but I felt more relevant. I really enjoyed it, despite it
being very hard to watch at points. Spielberg has impressed me with
his more recent movies. Though I am yet to see Monster House. Then
finally, I saw Man on Fire, which, like Munich, wsa two and a half
hours. That made my total for yesterday 5 hours. Man on Fire was also
excellent, it had a strong daytime Japanese television feel to it with
the text on screen, and I liked how it worked together. Plus anything
Cristopher Walken does is excellent.

Anyway, my movie ratings aside, Kiana has to use the phone, and then
we have to go. So I'm cutting it off there. I might go to Starbucks
and update again because I have to look at timetables for my trip to
Wisconsin. Yes, I'm going to Wisconsin.

Isn't it strange how people are happy with putting their journals
online for others to read? What's the next step in digital
communication? I think text based logs of entire daily conversations
will happen in a couple of years, that way, there would be nothing
that would not be known. Complete personal logging is the next step. I
don't know how much I'd like that.

Anyway, clean behind your ears.

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