Saturday 22 July 2006

Small Fixing

You know what? Life is good. I'm still in Starbucks, and even though my keyboard has stopped working, losing use of both the N and the B and the Space Bar, and they died shortly into my post, I'm feeling pretty damn happy right now. I lost typing use as I was talking about Kiana and Charlie and Sarah going to see Lady in the Water, which I wanted to see, but had to go to sort things out in Starbucks, like booking my ticket to San José. Erin emailed saying she wasn't going, and I left her a voicemail, and while not going to a rave is a shame, it saves a lot of money.

Anyway, the garbled ending to the last post didn't make it clear, but as I was getting out of the car, Sarah turned around and said, "This is really random, but can I kiss you?". I've heard that line before, but it's not been said to me before. So we kissed, and then I left, extremely confused. I came to Starbucks. The whole of Cannery Row is bristling with motorbikes. Billions of them. So many that even though there are no cars here, they have run out of bike parking. Mad.

Rachel wasn't working, and that made it loads of days in a row that had happened, I apparently had just missed her. I made the post and my keyboard failed. Tragic, but I'm writing this on my phone until I can get a screwdriver set to repair my machine. I'm pretty hard on it, so I'm not too angry with it. It's old, and I put a lot of stress on it.

Anyway, as I'm going to order my second drink, Rachel walks in, waves, says 'hi', and comes to chat. And I finally ask to hang out with her, which had been my intention all along. As it seems to happen, two girls appear at the same time, suddenly and frighteningly within my reach.

I'm not sure what's going on with Sarah, she confuses me and makes me laugh, but I know I'm meeting Rachel on Monday. While on the phone this morning, I told Dan about the situation, and he had some really good advice: "You're in California, go make some friends and get some contacts. Go talk to Rachel, and get photos of her." He was so right that it motivated me to do it today. And I'm glad I did. Starbucks closes in 10 minutes, and I want to post this before then, and that means I should get this uploading now. Everyone reading, hope you're feeling good too. Maybe this is my Yayoi moment from last year.

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