Thursday 20 July 2006

A More Complete Update

I was very brief yesterday. Well, now I have hours and hours to post. Until 10PM or something, and it feels good to have no pressure from power supply issues.

I tried out Kiana's dad's electric guitar today. It's a Gibson Flying V, and it is very soft to play. Bending notes is so much more natural. I might get some thinner strings for that feeling. As I go thicker and thicker, I realise the bend is getting harder and harder. I plugged it in to his Fender amp, and it sounded nice, but very bassy. It also wouldn't distort, and being into classical Americana, I didn't think he had a distortion pedal around. He did have a Phaser, oddly.

Well, as is likely when I make an epic post, I am at Starbucks in Cannery Row. Rachel isn't here yet. If she comes at all. But I don't mind, I have good drinks and I might go for a burger in a little bit. I checked my bank account today, and I had $100 extra in there. It was a good relief, because I needed to buy some new jeans. And I have. And they were only $30, which is good because they fit and they are Levis. I feel very snazzy, as I also bought some new sunglasses for only $10. There was a sale on, and I feel like I haven't had new clothes in a long time. Which is true. These are the first jeans I have had in ages that aren't black or grey. I still wish I had the pink ones from Japan though. Those were eye catching. But I'm going back sometime.

Kiana has been driving everywhere recently. She's got the confidence to go everywhere, and I am no longer needed as a chauffeur. It's sad, but I have done my job. She stalls every so often, and she needs to practice parallel parking a bit, but it's really a massive improvement. I'm so proud.

I ate part of this massive sub sandwich yesterday, It was $7.99, and roughly the size of an extravagant clown shoe, and four times heavier. Kiana's school friend John and I both attempted a section. After struggling, I managed to finish an end part, and he didn't finish his. I still have a third of it waiting in the fridge at home. I called it the insanewich. It really was stupidly big. It had four or five animals in it. I took a bite and a watermelon fell out. Mad.

I go to New York in 8 days. It's still a way away, but I'm getting excited. I saw it very briefly on the way over here, and I wanted to see it more. I'm going to enjoy it while I'm there. Speaking of enjoying things, I'm going to include another video in this blog post (no, NEO, it's not the one you want here). It was the final evening of Yukina's trip, and it was ruined by an argument over how we passed each other the butter at the final dinner. It's worth nothing how relationships broke down after such a long exposure.

Erin and I haven't spoken since.

Erin invited me to a rave in Sacramento on Saturday. It's $55, which is quite expensive, but I think would be totally worth it. Getting to Fremont would be an issue, as I couldn't make Kiana drive me and wait around, so I'd take the bus. There aren't any busses to Fremont though, but there are busses to San Jose which are affordable and frequent. I'll look into that. It'd be fun, I've never been to a rave, and I'd like to go to one with the original raver chick Erin.

I'd try and get a video of that going on. It's be good, though I'm expecting the sound on my phone to distort a little but. Like it did while Erin and I were shouting at each other. I'm sorry we didn't get any audio clips of Yukina screaming, it was the most surprising sound ever. Speaking of which, she's updated her blog. I think I'd like another coffee soon, I have to choose what to get though that isn't too expensive.

Reading the BBC page is quite depressing. It seems that bad things have happened since I've been here, and ironically, since I watched Munich. While it is scary and horrible, it isn't anywhere near here. It is out of sight and I am not thinking about it. I don't want to make a criticism of it, but it doesn't seem like many people are aware of what is going on elsewhere, and it's quite relaxing to not think of or worry about the dying civilians or the guerilla attacks. The oblivion is relaxing. But I cannot live like this.

There are millions of bikes around here. I know the MotoGP is coming up just a little North of here at Laguna Seca, and it's making all the bikers migrate here. It's strange. This caliber of biker is strange to see in the US. The image of motorbikes here is very Harley Davidson oriented. To see Japanese bikes, ones which have aerodynamics and aren't entirely image based, is strange in this country. These are bikers without the strange US bike mentality. And there are loads of them.

I'm not going to be much longer in this update. I've been writing other things, so it's not quite as epic. It was good to hear from Dan. This has been the longest time I haven't seen him for, I'm sure. He's a good guy, he really is. He should come to Japan with me after we graduate.

I have so many plans for the next few months, I can't wait to get them going. I love it here, and I'll miss it when I'm gone. And I will come back. But I have some things I need to do in England. I have one more year there, I'm going to enjoy it as best I can.

Anyway, it was good keeping you updated. I hope you enjoy the video. Don't watch it unless you really don't mind really silly things. But being at the bottom of my post, it's probably too late.

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