Tuesday 11 July 2006

Back in Full Swing

I think my blog is back to how it used to be before IXWebHosting messed me around. That's a relief, and I'm glad. I like the daily updates, and I like reading comments, and I like linking to other blogs and the like. If irony serves well, my hosting will freeze and this will be the last post for three months.

It's July 11th. That means that tomorrow is the anniversay of me landing in Japan. Today is a year since I said goodbye to Erin and flew out there. I miss Japan a lot. A landed and it was grey and rainy, and I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to do anymore than be there. And I want to go back sometime.

I had this strange dream last night that I dated Emma for a while, but we decided to keep it as just friends. That was weird, because I woke up not being able to tell what was reality and what wasn't. I figured it out now: that never happened.

Kiana's father is a guitar player, and he has some really nice guitars lying around. I have been strumming his Epiphone acoustic. Its tone is so nice, and the fretboard is much softer than what I'm used to. He also has a couple of Gibsons lying around too, including a Flying V. I might have to try that one, but they're all nice.

I went walking with Kiana along the warf last night, it was fun. I bought a little present for a friend and then we sat in the car, planning a possible road trip. Perhaps to New Mexico, maybe Nevada. I'm not sure, but wherever it is I will be too hot. So I won't take my coats. I brought two coats, against parental advice but I have needed them. San Francisco is cold, and the nights here are pretty cold as well.

My hair straighteners broke! I cannot straighten my hair! This means I am wearing an old style that just doesn't look as good as my new one. It's too fluffy. Maybe it was the voltage, but they didn't explode like Yukina thought they would. Still, bad hair, but I'll live.

Not that much has happened, I'll let you know where I am and what I'm doing. And if I get Skype, I'll try and Skype some of you. But for now, take care. And update your own damn blogs.


Chappy said...

Get a new one, it only costs like 10 bucks, right? Ah, I forgot to take a picture of you doing your hair! I'm gonna have my hair permed again! You should get a permanent hair relaxer, it keeps your hair straight like 6 months. It saves your time in the morning.

Ah, I miss these girl's talks we had at night! hehehehe

Ripton said...

If I find one for $10 I will get one. Same goes for a waffle iron. But everyone I speak to tells me not to get it chemically straightened... is that the same as permanently relaxing it? Sounds like hitman slang. "I'm going to permanently relax him."

You're having your hair permed? Again? OMG send pix. I have to see it.

I miss the girlie chats too. There are too few girls willing to have girlie chats with a guy.