Tuesday 25 July 2006

Closing Monterey

Last night Kiana and Charlie and I went to a dune in Sand City (a sand dune, too!). When told it was impossible, I ran to the top. Upon reaching it, I was so tired, I felt like falling over and dying for about 10 minutes. This is a pretty large dune, too. Like, massive. Anyway, the trio of us stayed atop this dune for ages, mostly consisting of Kiana placing plant pieces in my mouth while I was lying on her, and me accidentally hitting her in the boobs. And it went on like that. Technically the dune is private property, and we were trespassing, so, law enforcement, consider this a formal confession.

After we went down (which involved running and hurling Kiana into plant patches), we drove to a 7-11 and I had my second ever slurpee. That concluded the evening, and Kiana drove home while I played one of my favourite childhood albums, Hello Nasty. It wasn't until track 7 that Kiana realised who it was. But everyone knows that one.

Today I was due to meet with Rachel for the day. Unfortunately she had to work, and her text didn't go through, but she doesn't have to work until midnight or anything, so I should get to see her all the same. Despite looking forward to it, it wasn't so bad. Today was absolutely beautiful, the sun was hot, but not painfully so. I'm wearing my pink shirt and my good blazer, so I'm in good visual stead. And I looked good all day. I ate a tasty lunch from a shopping centre called "Nob Hill", which offered BBQ beef and cheddar panini, which was good. I had a Ben and Jerry's milkshake to wash it down. I have praise for that.

Kiana drove to her work place, the Crazy Horse, and from there I walked to the Del Monte centre, where I checked my email and replied to Dan and Natasha. With Dan as an accomplice, I feel I can accomplish all sorts of mischief this coming year. I then just walked around. I walked through Monterey, I looked at guitar shops, I sat at the beach, I smiled at roller bladers, I just had a relaxing day, it was very beautiful. I won't say that the view compared to the beach at Big Sur, I wasn't as original or beautiful, but it was amazing nonetheless. In a more traditional manner.

From there I walked slowly to Cannery Row, America's Mido-suji, and I ordered an iced Mocha. Rachel made it so I didn't have to pay, which was cool because lunch was expensive. So I sat down and started typing this out on my phone. And that's where I am now. I have had an excellent idea for blogging that I'm going to do next time I have access to the internet and a full laptop. It's a temporary redesign that's easy to implement and I think I'll keep while I spend time on my good redesign.

I am a person of love. I realise who I love in the world, and how important it is to love people. Not in a romantic way, in a way that you know these people care and these people make you happy to a great extent. And I realise that I am lucky in the amount of people that I love, and who I can depend on. I am going to be a person of love, and I am going to cherish it to the extent that I will always keep it, no matter how far away it is. But I will always be looking for more, and that search is important. I will find people that I will love, wherever I am. But despite that, I will not let go of what I have. Passion. I am a person of love and passion. And passion is something I
will prosper and fight with, no matter what it is.

I just spoke with Rachel, I got to speak with her finally, she's very busy. And she will be this evening, so we rearranged things for tomorrow lunch, which will be good. I don't mind missing out on my plans, it's a beautiful day, and I can reflect. Things are going well, and things will go well for me, here and in England.

My batteries are dying, so I'll go online and post this, then head out. Love to you all.


Me said...

Sounding a bit like me, Rip?
Hey, are you gonna be in the bay area at all before you leave? Can we meet up before you go?

Ripton said...

Hey E, I'm trying to call you, but I keep getting answerphone message. Did you get the voicemail? I'll call again tomorrow like, during the daytime.