Thursday 6 July 2006

End of a Brief Era

When I said goodbye to most of my 3rd year friends, I had little hope of seeing some of them again. We had this crazy idea of meeting up in Japan next year, and it fell through when I realised I didn't want to go back to Japan so soon, so we didn't go through with it. So seeing two of them this summer was a surprise. A big surprise, even thought I knew it was coming. As Erin (NEO) said in her blog, we didn't hang out much as just the three of us before, so we could have hated each other, but as I have said over and over, it just worked great.

Today Erin (NEO), for a fee, drove me to Monterey to meet Kiana, and we had a very time at it. Apart from Philosophy and Astrophysics and Theistic discussion, we had a funny ride. As well as the chance to reflect on all the bad things we did while we were away. Yukina spiked my drink with vodka on like, the second night, and Erin crashed into another car while parking and fled the scene (leaving this new GT sports car with a nice new colour of paint scraped down it), and I skipped fare on the BART. By accident. I don't usually do stuff like that, it happened because Erin miscommunicated to me what I had to do. Her fault.

It was two weeks I won't forget. I hope the rest of my holiday can live up to it. I came to California because of Kiana, but I didn't come here for Kiana. I had to see it, I would have come if I saw her or not, and at several times while I was here, I considered not seeing her. I'm glad I am though, it should be fun.

I also got a copy of all of Yukina's photos, some of which you can see on her blog, most of which I will put on my Flickr. I left the CD in Kiana's car though, so I don't have it now, otherwise you'd be seeing what we have dubbed "douzo". You'll see it next update, I hope.

Right now, Kiana's dancing at a class (this is the second time today that I have been excluded from a dance class). I'm at the Cannery Row Starbucks (the road you can see in the photo in the previous post). I have been making a little something for Erin for next time she goes online, which should be a lot since she hasn't got awesome people to hang out with in real life anymore (me and Yukina).

Homeless Get Desperate

Maybe it'll make you chuckle. I hope you remember to do what you said you'd do. I plan on doing what we agreed on doing at the time we allocated to doing it. Hopefully that's not too vague.

I think I will miss the wireless I had at Erin's house. It wasn't their's, it was just there and really fun to use because it was pretty fast. And unsecured. There were 4 networks connectable from her house, 2 WEP encrypted, one too weak to work, and Rigsys. Greatest part was... they used the same router as me. And not being smart enough to secure the network, they also didn't alter their IP for their router, nor did they change the default password. They might be shocked when they find that I set up port forwarding to uTorrent so I got better download speeds. They probably won't know. Unless they eventually check. Good old Linksys. I thought about upgrading their firmware while I was there, but thought that if the wireless went out because of it I wouldn't be able to go online. And they'd probably encrypt it after that. Aah, I haven't talked about nerdy stuff in ages, it's great. That was for you, Dan.

I've been reading Slashdot and Billy West's replies to questions. He's a funny guy. I'm very happy about the return of Futurama (confirmed this time), and how great it will be, as I didn't think it had peaked at all. It was a consistently funny show, with references that I am only getting now because they are so obscure and clever. I wonder if I can get the Starbucks staff to watch my PC while I go to the toilet. Kiana still has an hour and a quarter to dance for.

Ah, if certain things weren't bothering me, life would be so good right now. There's a strange guy with a beard looking at me, I think he wants to take my laptop. Right, I'll take my toilet break now.

Ah, it was fine, no theft, and the waitress was very chatty. I like it here. I'm sure I've said it before, but people are friendly for no reason here. It's great, but it's at the cost of intelligence. Friendly, but they vote for Bush. It's not so true in California at least. That's why I like it here. One of my favourite memories is running onto the beach with Yukina, looking at the mountains, the sand, the sun, and saying, "Look where we are!". She replied, excitedly, "We're in California!". We proceeded to have an awesome day at the beach with minimal sunburn and maximum sleep.

I think I'll get this posted soon, I'm starting to ramble for the sake of rambling. And when I say soon, I mean now.


EDIT: I didn't capitalise an "I", and I thought I should recount the time I wanted a small coffee in Starbucks in Japan. I went in and said, "Chotto latte kudasai.". Haha. Not really, but it would have been funny. I just heard a Japanese woman speaking while a barrista called out her order and it practically wrote itself. It was comedy gold.


Me said...

I SOOOOOOOOO didn't crash..I tapped! And that was the first time EVER! And it was because I had major distractions- YOU ANd YOUKINA

Anonymous said...

Oh my god i got the japanese joke

does that make me cool?


Ripton said...

It makes you very cool. You have my permission to repeat it to your Japanese speaking friends and make it look like your own.

It was a light tap then an extended scrape. But I don't think they have your paint type on file, and the only witness probably didn't speak English.