Sunday 9 July 2006

I Have Bandwidth!

Finally, I have some broadband. I am in Starbucks after a few days of being without. I am downloading at high speed, and although I probably won't have enough Arrested Development downloaded to watch a new episode tonight, at least I'm a step closer. I downloaded both Fearless and Final Destination 3 in DVD rips since I have been here. Both were pretty good, and Final Destination 3 was better than I was expecting. It was good to have Wong at the helm again. It did lack the powerful ending imagery of the first one, as did the second, but it still was pretty good. I may have missed some references though.

Kiana and I just drove to Costco, this massive warehouse that you have to be a member of to shop at. It just has insane bulk things on sale. I got 36 Diet Dr Pepper cans for $6, that's just a little over £3. Insane. I spent £15 in total and I think I have food for the rest of my time here. As well as drink. And even some Nesquick to take back.

I want to go to a slightly less bulk purchasing place so that I can get some basic cereal for Becky, as well as sweets. Becky, if you're reading, leave a comment about which sweets you want me to get for you. I know to get Emma some Twinkies. I haven't seen any yet, but maybey I'm unobservant. I'm almost addicted to Reeses stuff. I'm cutting down. I did put on some weight, but the last couple of days I have been eating healthily and helping out with chores.

I don't want to bore Kiana, so after this batch of photos have finished uploading, I will probably get going. I cannot be long, I don't want her being tired and sad and bored of the back of the laptop.

It's nice to have download speed, but life goes on without it. I'm linking my friend Ivy's blog on my blog. We have been internet friends for a long time since a random Skype conversation. One day we will probably meet up.

Good speaking to you with a warm White Chocolate Mocha. Take care the lot of you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ripton!! Its Becky... Its so weird getting a message through a blog, its like the undead talking to you but not really because you are alive. And I've talked to you on the phone. But anyway.
OK, well I found a website which shows american sweets and can ya get me...
Everlasting gobstoppers (remember these!! they were AMAZING!!) Some Pixy Sticks and a couple of reeses peanut butter cups cos they are tres tasty. And the lucky charms :D
Btw you don't know how close I got to DISOWNING you as my ENGLISH brother because you called FOOTBALL the American word SOCCER. But because you ARE going TO but me SWEETS I shall FORIVE yOu. Yeah... I kinda lost control of the shift button theRE.
Ohh this is kinda long cos I have lots of new for you, and I hope you read it cos otherwise I shall be sad. I went to my ball or as you would now say "PROM" and it was so much better than expected. And I'm watching the X men DVD you gave me, me and taigh watched a bit. It is really good I can't believe how lame Rogue is in the movies compared in the cartoon. We must watch some together and we will when you get back YEY :D
Anyway I'm getting to be a bit late for school (yes my last 2 days... muck up dat tomorrow, I'll show ya the pics!)
As Gambit would say...
(I dunno if they are spelt right...)

Ripton said...

Oh Becky, joys of reading what you have to say are everlasting.

You missed out some accents, but all is acceptable in the long run. I'm glad your Prom was ok. I was thinking about what you were doing with Programmable Read Only Memory, and then I realised... muck up day, you're going to go into the school servers and reset the BIOS.

Good on you.

Anyway, Reeses are amazing. I'm trying every kind I can find, from the Nutrageous Bar, to the White Chocolate Cups, and yesterday I had the Reeses Icecream. Amazing. I will look for Pixie Sticks too, and maybe a couple of surprises. I did also get you a small present that isn't a sweet.

Happy go well yay!