Friday 7 July 2006

Restricted Updating

The last update and this update have to be conducted entirely through
GMail, since Blogger itself cannot handle Kiana's computer. I'd offer
to help upgrade it, but it's a Mac. Actually, an iMac. So it needs
replacing rather than maintaining. So Internet Explorer 5 for Mac
cannot handle the advanced style of cookie Blogger uses, I have to use
GMail, which it can barely handle, even at the cut down interface. If
they choose to replace their computer, I'd help in their choice.

Anyway, my point: grammatical and spelling errors remain uneditable,
and they stare at me whenever I look at my blog. For them, I
apologise. I'd also like to comment on the X Files, which Kiana and I
watched last night instead of The Daily Show, which was at a different
time slot to the one I was expecting. How could they allow the X Files
to continue on so long after the loss of Mulder? I know that fans
called out for more, and even though the quality of production didn't
slip, it's just not fair to the memory of one of the best science
fiction dramas of all time. If not the best.

Well, Kiana and I will be driving down to Monterey later this evening.
I need to buy some liquid sustinance (I don't like American water,
even though Kiana's water is the nicest I've had in America). I would
also like to get some snacks, as I feel bad eating other people's
food. As well as that, I would like to go again to Starbucks to catch
up on torrents, flirt with the waitress, and get some good coffee. I'm
still in that foreign mood, but I am feeling better, so I don't want
anyone to worry. Last year, it was Yayoi that rescued me from feeling
like that. This year, who knows?

There are many of you back home that I can't wait to see again. But
there's a lot here that I want to keep doing. I'm very glad I came, it
has made me rethink my future. For like, the ninth time. But I do
that. All the time. If I go to Starbucks, I'll update my Flickr
account, and I might even update my YouTube account, so you can see
some of the best videos that Yukina and Erin (NEO) made, with my
occasional embarrassing participation.

Hugs all round.


Chappy said...

Go to Starbucks and keep updating your life in Cali!!
Are you also thinking to upload your video lecture on education??
Would you awfully, terribly and horribly mind if I sent that to your family?
I loved your authentic British accent!! Oh my god, that was so much fun!!

I hope you'll enjoy for the rest of your stay there!! It was great to see you and I had the best time with you!! Thank you so much for that!!!

Ripton said...

Oh, my educational video? My parents would love to see that. Methinks it might remain a personal endeavour. But when I have prolonged internet access, as much as I can fit on my hosting will be publicly available.

I owe you and Erin so much for that time, it really was just the greatest time like, ever. Thank you as well, I won't forget any of it.