Wednesday 19 July 2006


Since I'm on Kiana's iMac and her house is running on batteries, I'll
keep this very brief. If we lose power I will be angry, but her, these
things happen.

I met her friend John today, who suddenly had an unhealthy obsession
with Kiana's friend CatherineRose. In that he was singing about her
all day, and how he wanted to be with her, among other things.

I met a load of people from, the year below Kiana in her old school,
and there were pretty cool people. One of them looked so much like
Jenny it was uncanny. I didn't get a photograph, but I will
eventually. She's entirely Mexican though. Or half Mexican, I don't
know. We played this Mafia type game, with Harry Potter twists, and it
was very fun. I had a good day, it was exciting and we went to the
beach and I did another one of my long walks. I walk along the beach,
listening to the waves, at a decent pace for about half an hour. It
feel really good. It's nice to think to that. We always go to the
beach really late, so it's almost pitch black too.

Anyway, I'm going to Cannery Row Starbucks again tomorrow, so I'll
make hellishly long updates then, and that'll be good. Erin invited me
to a rave on Saturday. It's expensive, but I'm really considering it.
However, my most worthwhile asset, my charming accent, won't be
appreciated there due to the loud music. I might get a British flag
badge or something really stupid like that. I don't know.

Anyway, have a fun day English readers. It's 11:30AM where you are,
and 3:30AM here. I'm sleeping very soon.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I fucking miss you!


Ripton said...

Aww dude, I miss you too. You should be here, it's perfect for us. We'd rock the States. Stay cool, I'm going to drive up and see you and Natasha when I get back.