Tuesday 18 July 2006

Start Again

I'll let you know this seriously, I came very close to deleting this blog completely last night. I'm glad I didn't. But a few things happened, and basically, my worst case scenario came true, and for a short while, I was a broken man. But through putting things aside and being able to rationalise, I am going to be ok.

What also helped was suddenly remembering how wonderful my time with Erin and Yukina was, and recounting a tale to Becky about one or two wonderfully funny things that happened served only for me to be determined to be that happy again. I will not be destroyed, I will always get up.

To lighten the mood, I am embedding my first YouTube video, of what happened at Santa Barbara beach. I, and everyone who was there, keep laughing at this, and it's a fantastic memory, even if you don't fully understand what's going on. And if you are a reader who has never met me and never spoken to me, it's not my real accent.

Now that was amusing, wasn't it? Anyway, I'm at Starbucks. I'm downloading, but it's just Arrested Development, since my movies have finished. I'm at Cannery Row, but it isn't Rachel's shift today. But I did see her, and she came over and said hello. Terrible sunburn, but I told her about Yukina's sunburn and the dirty ankles.

I spoke to Becky for an hour and a quarter this morning. It's amazingly refreshing to speak to her, she can make me laugh more than anyone, and we have pretty similar interests. Shopping, shoes, boys...? No, we have quite different interests, but we like the same kind of films and TV. She's been telling me how she's enjoying XMen TAS, and I told her how I regretted letting her have it. I found it quite funny: the main character in Tokyo Drift didn't know what drifting was at first. Becky knew. How messed up is that?

Anyway, I particularly miss her, more than anyone. But I'm missing Emma a lot as well. More than I was expecting. Enough for me to change my plans considerably. I would be happy living in Tokyo, just so that it's be closer to her. Osaka's great, I love it, but if Emma's going to be in Tokyo, I'd like to be there too. Maybe I can convince her to go to Osaka, but I know her reasons and I cannot fault her. It would by hypocritical.

So as well as them, I'm missing everyone in England. It's hard to be away from people, but it's easier to know I'm going to see them again. I'm planning to travel a lot more now that I am willing to go to Europe, and have good reason to.

Damnit, I'm out of disk space for my downloads. I need to start deleting stuff. Season One of Arrested Development was only a TV rip, I might delete it so I can get The Life Aquatic.

I do need a faster car. My one is great, it's efficient, and it's quick enough. But If I'm going to stop driving for a while, I'm going to have to drive like hell for a year before I do. I know what I have my sights set on. Anyway, I won't blabber on, you're all too amused by the video, but I hope all is well with everyone, and you've had a better couple of days than I have.


Me said...

dude...that was SO fun... my social life has gone considerably downhill since y'all left. And I realized, its really hard to remain rational when the only person you have to consider your point of view is yourself. I start thinking I'm crazy....at least with you guys around, I know pretty much my amount of craziness. I feel like such a foreigner, doing only things that foreigners do! Really stupid things! Ah!!!
Hope things get better

Me said...

...and dude, I totally agree that with your photo caption that our day in san luis obispo was one of the best days ever...i suppose its hard to explain for anyone who wasn't there...just SO perfect! girl yelling at her bf! bums breakdancing! etc etc

Ripton said...

Yes... I don't know how I convey what actually happened. I don't actually know what happened, I just know that it did happen, and was amazing.

But I don't remember the breakdancing bums... remind me?

Me said...

hehe, maybe i just made a mental note of that..hehehehe.but it added to the day

Ripton said...

I bet it did... and I'm sorry I missed it. I'll imagine it and it'll probably be fun all the same.